Sunday, April 10, 2011

Wayah Awesome!

I can't quite put into words how amazing my night/morning was in the tower. I'm not sure that I'll be as to top it. It was definitely the coolest place I've ever laid my head for the night and I will be back for sure! We ate some dinner, played Monoply (I won), then retired to our sleeping bags. The wind was bitter cold but my sleeping bag kept me toasty warm all night. I woke up to the sun rising over the mountains in east, packed up my gear, and head north. I reached a road crossing around lunch time and was greeted by MORE trail magic. A group of former thru-hikers was grilling and having a hiker party. I enjoyed a burger and soda and relaxed for about an hour. They had music blaring on an iPod which was great! I haven't listened to any music while I've been out here and it's been tough. Apparently I LOVE music and miss it very much. Who would have guessed it :0)
I finally found the energy to get moving again and ended up pulling the my biggest mileage day yet. I hiked 16.4mi and am only 1mi short of the NOC where I will meet Alex on Sat.. I'm a full day early so I plan to relax and enjoy some real time off. Theres a hiker festival here this weekend. It should be fun!

134.2mi hiked ... 2046.8 to go!

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