Sunday, April 10, 2011

Yes, Forest Fires

I forgot to mention that I could see a couple of forest fires burning in the distance All day yesterday. When I finally got close to where I would be camping for the night I realized that one of the fires was right in the area. I walked past some firefighters and asked if it was going to be dangerous to camp. They assured me that I would be fine and that the fire was under control. I made it thru the night so all is well! I did wake up to the smelling smoke a few times. I'm just starting to take things like this in stride! What could possibly come next?
I hiked 1 short mile into the Nantahala Outdoor Center. It's a collection of shops, restaurants, and outdoor outfitters centered around the area where the AT crosses the Nanatahala River. It's a cool spot! On Friday, I ate a bunch of food, drank a few cold brews, and just relaxed. Alex showed up around 10am and found me right away. We spent the weekend hanging around the NOC and Fontana Lodge relaxing, eating, and helping out my fellow hikers with free shuttles here and there. It's going to be tough saying goodbye but time is flying right on. We'll be back together soon enough for another adventure. Back to the trail early Monday morning.

135.2mi hiked ... 2045.8 to go.


  1. Man Oh Man, what an adventure. Your descriptions make me feel like I am there. Wish I was! Glad you are still safe and sound! I love you!

  2. NOC is a great place with a Class 6 river segment just outside the restaurant, as I recall from waaaayyyy too long ago. I hope kayakers still use it. I bet the sogginess of Georgia seems like a long-ago memory. Stay well, my friend.

  3. Hi Luke, how are you. Were the storms on your path? We are thinking about you. love your parents in-law.
