Monday, March 28, 2011

Racoon Cabin

Day 5 - 3/27
The rain finally stopped around 10am this morning. Everything I own is soaked or at least damp. I managed to keep one set of clothes dry to sleep in but had to put on my cold/wet gear again this morning to hike. I left the shelter at 11am and started climbing to the summit of Blood Mountain, the site of a deadly battle between Cherokee and Creek Indians. It's the highest peak on the AT in Georgia. The whole Mtn was covered in clouds so I missed the views. It was pretty eery up there with clouds hanging on the ground and no other hikers in sight. Quiet. Cold. Wet. I'm glad that one is behind me. It was a tough climb but I'm starting to get used to the climbing.
I walked into Neels Gap around 1:30pm. There was a group of ladies handing out free hot dogs, drinks, and snacks to the thru-hikers. We call people like that "trail angels". I had a hot dog and headed to the Mt. Crossings Outfitter. Turns out that my boots were a half size+ too small. No wonder my feet are a mess! I bought a new pair of boots (keen hightops), another warm pair of base layer pants, and food for the next 4 days. I also sent home a few odds and ends that were taking up weight in my pack. I nuked a couple of burritos and washed them down with a grape soda on a bench out front. I rented a cabin for tonight in order to dry out, do laundry, and stay out of the rain forecasted for this evening (it's raining now). They put me in the "Racoon Cabin" which is decorated with stuffed raccoons. Kinda creepy. All of the cabins here have different animal names and have the corresponding critters stuffed and minted within. Im heading to bed soon and will be up and back on the trail by 9am tomorrow. Hoping to make 11mi to Low Gap Shelter tomorrow night. I'm hoping my new boots will help ease the burden of my aching feet!
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  1. Hope all is going well and you are staying healthy and as dry as possible. We're heading to Chrisitana in a week or so and will miss seeing you there. I remain jealous. -- fred

  2. Go Luke! Sounds like you are diving right into it brother. Don't let those coons freak you out, you're just in their neck of the woods now. When you start to drag just think on that old upswing, swinging jazz to put a spark in your stride. Enjoy it and stay strong.

  3. I was happy to see these updates. Apparently I had bookmarked the wrong URL. Keep pushing and enjoy the trail!
